Friday, December 17, 2010

Crash Course 101

Ryan and I have spent the past couple of years researching dog breeds and dog training waiting for the right moment to adopt our own dog together. With busy work schedule and 2 large cats we wanted to make sure we could handle the physical, emotional, and financial responsibilities that come along with being great parents to a dog.

After a visit to Stray Rescue a dog found us. Crash came to stay with us on a Rent-a-Pet basis and we are now fostering him with the hopes to eventually adopt him if he can learn to love our cats.

Crash has now been in our home for 3 weeks. He has had outstanding progress in every area, except for our cats.

Some of the commands he knows:
Mine - when we want him to know he is not allowed to play, eat, or take anything that is not his
Bed - we just put a blanket on the floor of Ryan's home office and whenever we want him to relax we will tell him bed and he goes and lays down
Crate - when its time for a nap, bed, or to eat, we tell him crate and he goes downstairs and sits in his crate until we tell him release
Release - he waits so patiently for his food until we tell him release

With our first snow, we learned how much Crash LOVES the snow. He is a true puppy in the snow. How can you not think he is a-dorable!!!

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